Pushed the Burb all the way home from Delaware so the 931 must be in great condition, Hey! If not that's OK. If it only is useful for parts, then fine. And if it runs? Gravy. Paid $600 for the parts to convert my 924 to M471 suspension and brakes, rear hatch with spoiler, 16" forged wheels. So ending up with a running turbo is an extra we don't count on.
Those '928' wheels are sure gonna look good on the 924. (They arent'
really: different width)
Let's just get it parked and get to work!
Too bad someone dropped the hood on the lift support and bent it:
Bought a case of penetrating oil.
is passing us by. Need to get the engine bay stripped before winter.
Learning by Doing
How Bout a Subdued
There is a reward to the first person who can tell me why this brace/piece/tube is on the 931's frame.
The Power Section
March 99
Charlie Murphy at Intersport shows LJ how to inspect the block and related parts. If you are in the DC area with a 931 Charlie at Intersport is a hard combination to beat.
Well, the bad news is LJ needs a bunch of parts. The good news is he'll have a dynamite engine when finished.
The plan: Line bore the bearing caps then Bore it out ALL the WAY. Why not. New JE pistons going to 8.5/1cr. US made gapless rings and stainless valves. The head needs to be surfaced. Since we need a new cam maybe a little more than stock on the grind?
We have it on good authority that these improvements will bring an 80 from 143 NET hp to 174 HP. The cam is good for 10HP. There will be much more torque than before as well and the powerr curve will build from about 1800RPM. The low-end flat spot should vanish.
Our goal is 200 HP. It should be easily gotten. An1981-82 DTC ignition would be good for 12 HP on the
original over the 1980 cars. Boost up to 12 pounds (.81 bar). A Corvette eater at the autocrosses. And very reliable. The best method on the boost is to shim the wastegate spring or run a balance knob that slightly pressurizes the vent side of the diaphram to raise the total boost in the system. The DTC will compensate the timing much better than the 1980 system.
An 1981-81 intake runner, manifold, throttle plate and intake manifold as they are improved and flow much better than the 1980 as well. This will make the engine pull from about 1500 rpm and then peak at
about 5900 rpm on the horsepower curve.