| Performance Products Like Tweeks, a
very comprehensive supplier of nearly everything you'd likely need to restore your
924. Also like Tweeks, a lot of the more common items can be found for less at smaller
places. However, if it's obscure, these guys may be your only choice outside the
dealer. |
 | Paragon Products An excellent source
for performance parts, in particular for the chassis; also plenty of inexpensive, common replacements parts.
If you don't see it, call! |
EBS Racing All sorts of OEM parts,
particularly engine and trans. 924 experts on-hand, they know these cars
well. |
KLA Industries Mostly a 944
specialist, with plenty of unique parts that carry over to our cars |
OG Racing Great supplier of track and
racing parts in Virginia, with quite a few Porsche-specific parts. Excellent
cages. |
Pegasus Racing Supplier of
all things racing to the road-racing crowd. Not the cheapest, but not bad,
and if they don't sell it, chances are you don't need it! |
Racer Wholesale/Racer
Parts Wholesale Why have the car if you
don't run drivers ed? Racer Parts Wholesale has parts galore, very
inexpensive, and Racer Wholesale has all the safety gear. |
 | Intersport If you are in the DC
area Charlie Murphy understands early 924. |
 | Fabory USA Metric Fasteners if you
have trouble finding the needed metric hardware in your area. |
 | CB Performance CBP sells VW disc brake
conversions that might be adaptable to the 924 rear drums. However, all said and done,
it appears that just doing the 944 or 931 conversion is easier and more effective. |
 | NOPI only place that still lists Weber stuff for
the 924 in their ads. Have no idea if they actually have any. |
 | PAECO Industries
All kinds of performance parts for obscure cars... like 924's! |
 | Hirsch Auto 924s are old enough that
rebuilding becomes restoration. Hirsch is a restoration supplies company. |
 | Crutchfield Car Audio Old cars have old
radios. And some of the replacement installations I have seen leave something to be
desired. Not to mention that old Blaupunkt could probably be improved upon with a nice
Sony, Kenwood or Panasonic w SuperTuner. |
 | J.C. Whitney Remember building a virtual
Model A with the old catalog? Some of it was junk but those rumble seat hinges worked
fine! I was going to delete this link, then I found the plating kits. Been looking for
those. Maybe I can plate the duplexer and get the loss down a few db ..--.. |
 | The Eastwood Company Paint that will stick
to anything and powder coat kits should you want to get fancy. |
 | High Performance House, 2431 Spring St. Redwood City, CA. 94063. Rich Bontempi says
they have just recently parted out six 931's. Most are 79 and 80 but he thinks there
may have been an 81. They have been in business for 23 years. His phone is (650)
364-6234 and e-mail is HPHPORSCHE@aol.com
 | All European Auto Supply Vaughan's favorite
supplier. Try 'em. |
 | www.clubautosport.co.uk body kits |
 | http://www.allporsche.com body kits |
 | http://www.gt-racing.com body kits |